In one of the more bizarre Twitter beefs of late, Frances Bean Cobain, the 20-year-old daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, tore into Kendall Jenner, the 17-year-old half-sister of Kim Kardashian, for complaining on Twitter that her life was too hard.

"Just wish things could be easier sometimes mann," Jenner said in a since-deleted tweet.

Nearly all the responses from Jenner's followers were unfavorable, but the most high-profile of them all was from Cobain.

"oh shh," she responded. "There are kids on earth abandoned&homeless who forcibly drink contaminated water because clean water isn't accessible. oh ya, not to mention, CANCER, famine, poverty, draught, disease, natural disasters, Death. Fuck, Humans are so self involved."

Cobain wasn't quite done.

"I'd like to thank my parents for providing me with a high IQ & I'd like to thank my grams for encouraging me not to be a self absorbed idiot," she later subtweeted.

Leaving it at that would have been wise, but, well.

"[A]n individuals feelings are relative to their environment," Jenner tweeted last night. "[Y]ou don’t know me, you don’t even know what i was referring to."

She went on to point out that she is "aware" of her privilege and is "thankful for that everyday."

"[I] know there are greater problems in the world," Kendall continued, "I pray for those people every night and give back as much as i can. So who are u to judge me?"

Those tweets were also deleted.

No retort so far from Cobain, but her father is reportedly turning in his grave.

[photos via Twitter, tweets via Dlisted]