One week after a woman who had accused him of rape admitted that she'd made the whole thing up, singer-songwriter Conor Oberst has now dropped the federal libel lawsuit he filed against the woman in February.

Oberst had filed the lawsuit against Joanie Faircloth in February after she wrote a comment on an xoJane article accusing Oberst of raping her years earlier. Last week, Oberst's publicist released a statement from Faircloth in which she said that none of what she had claimed was true. She also apologized to Oberst.

Oberst says he is ready to move on. Via CBS News:

Oberst filed the libel suit in February. He issued a statement last week saying he accepted the apology and that he looks forward "to happier times as we all move forward with our lives."

Oberst's father, Matthew Oberst, said earlier this year that Faircloth's accusation had cost Oberst at least $700,000 in album sales, tour sales, and licensing.

[Image via AP]