A Spring Valley, New York village meeting descended into chaos yesterday when a constituent publicly accused the mayor of breaking up his marriage. The Journal News reports that maintenance worker Reginald Alfred grabbed the mic to claim Mayor Demeza Delhomme used his “power to get into my house.”

You can watch the Journal News’ video of the incident above, which plays out like a scene from Desperate Housewives. “Mr. Delhomme is trying to use his power to get into my house!” Alfred says in the video. “He destroyed my house. He destroyed my family. I have two daughters.”

Delhomme denied any involvement, shouting, “I don’t know this man! I’ve never met this man.”

A village trustee shouted back, “You screwed his wife and you say you don’t know him?”

As The Journal News notes, Alfred did not provide any receipts, so whether or not the mayor fucked his wife remains an open question.

What we do know is that Delhomme is a bad mayor, in general; he has previously declared himself “king of the village,” vowed to discriminate against Jewish land developers, and allegedly ordered village workers to install a generator at his girlfriend’s house during a snowstorm. The Journal News has a full accounting of his shady dealings here.

Photo via Journal News video. Contact the author at allie@gawker.com.