Constituent Accuses Mayor of Fucking His Wife in Wild Town Meeting
Allie Jones · 02/24/16 01:00PM60 Minutes’ Steve Kroft Guzzled Champagne from Mistress’s Ass: Report
J.K. Trotter · 01/07/15 04:55PM
Earlier today, the National Enquirer ran a story alleging that 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Kroft has been cheating on his wife, the journalist Jenny Conant, with a Manhattan lawyer named Lisan Goines for over 3 years. Now the 69-year-old Kroft has confirmed the Enquirer’s scoop, which drew from extensive text message conversations between the paramours, in a statement to the New York Post:
Hamilton Nolan · 07/02/13 02:20PM
Heartbroken Optician Logs Into Girlfriend's Facebook Account, Leaves Behind Scathing Status Update Accusing Her of Cheating on Him
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/22/13 02:13PMFrench Move Closer to Same-Sex Marriage
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 02/02/13 03:10PM
France, hotbed of infidelity, has taken one step closer to allowing same-sex couples the privilege of having extra-marital affairs. This morning, the National Assembly, which is the lower house of France's parliament (it is much like our Congress, but different in that it appears they vote on things), voted 249 to 97 in favor of gay marriage.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Still Talking About Being a Bad, Bad Man
Louis Peitzman · 10/01/12 10:19PMSchwarzenegger Mistress Identified
Max Read · 05/17/11 10:49PM
On Tuesday, former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger acknowledged that he had fathered a child out of wedlock. There were scant details beyond a vague timeframe—"more than a decade ago"—and the occupation of the child's mother: "a longtime member of [the family's] household staff." But two tabloids have just identified the woman as Mildred "Patty" Baena, age 50, a former housekeeper at Schwarzenegger's Brentwood estate.
Old People Are Cheating and the Economy Is to Blame
Ravi Somaiya · 05/07/10 09:07AMNew York Gov. David Paterson's Scandalous, Sexxy, Spanish Fly Steakhouse Dinner: Cheating?
Foster Kamer · 01/17/10 04:45PMGood News for Middle-Aged Philanderers
cityfile · 01/08/10 03:21PM
Your husband didn't cheat on you. He just wanted to stay healthy and ensure he gets the chance to spend his golden years by your side! "Men who have sex at least twice a week can almost halve their risk of heart disease, according to new research. It shows men who indulge in regular lovemaking are up to 45 per cent less likely to develop life-threatening heart conditions than men who have sex once a month or less." [Telegraph]
Today on Maury: How to Make Panty Soup
Mike Byhoff · 12/14/09 12:36PMSo today's Maury wasn't about paternity. Using the Law of Averages, that means it has to be about cheating. A hidden camera in Maury's green room catches one of the most shameless acts of cheating in the show's history.
Tiger Who?
Ravi Somaiya · 12/11/09 06:19AMCorrection: Tiger Woods' Wife Kicks His Ass
Foster Kamer · 11/28/09 12:42PMElizabeth Edwards Finally Confesses She Married a Cad
Owen Thomas · 04/30/09 12:23PMSurveillance Devices: The Paranoiac's Friend
cityfile · 03/19/09 09:24AM
In the treacherous and cut-throat playground of modern sexual politics, it's easy to imagine how one's morals could get slightly compromised, even to the extent of engaging in some light stalking. But given the technologically-savvy, post-privacy age we live in, is there really such a big difference between monitoring someone's Facebook status and secretly implanting a tracking device or hidden video camera in order to catch them cheating on you?
Rental Car Ads Are The Intellectual Issue Of Our Time
Hamilton Nolan · 05/07/08 09:06AM
Stanley Fish—public intellectual, Times blogger, and man of secret ethics—has been doing a lot of thinking about rental car ads, and their relation to cheating on your wife and/ or gay lover. "The genius of the commercials is that they foreground the sexuality that informs the relationship between the car owner and the object of his/her affection," Fish wrote. That's what I'm saying! Because many rental car ads play on the theme of leaving your old car for a new one, Fish believes they are deserving of deep deconstruction. About his favorite Avis ad, he concludes "Lust is lust and betrayal is betrayal, whether the relationship is gay or straight." Others might just like the part with the car, and the guy, and the joke. The ad, and his deep, sexy analysis of its genre, below.
People Feel Bad When Cheated On
Pareene · 03/21/08 09:05AM
A partner's affair is a terrible betrayal, but did you know that it is your own personal terrorist attack? "'9/11 always reminds me of how it felt — one floor collapsing into another,' said a woman in her 40s who lives near Seattle. Another woman, writing in an Internet chat room, compared her husband's affair to the Asian tsunami of 2004, which killed a quarter of a million people." Is it possible for an entire country to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder? [NYT]
Hodgkin's Man-Vixen Also Totally Creepy
Joshua Stein · 12/26/07 10:45AM
Today's Page Six leads with what looks like your average "I'm a friend of Richard Johnson's" book plug item, the heartwarming story of one Robert Schimmel, a comic, who was diagnosed with cancer in 2000. Schimmel wrote a book called "Cancer on $5 a Day" and it seems mostly concerned with how to get laid whilst coping with cancer. Whatever, kind of heartwarming right? Not really! The item veers between life-affirming and creepy, like a drunk driver caroming down the moral highway in a blizzard. (The blizzard is cancer, the driver is Schimmel, and on one side of the road is the sweet release of death and on the other is the married Schimmel's banging of his daughter's best friend.)