Convicted Murderers Did a Practice Run the Night Before They Escaped

Practice makes perfect, my mom always says, and apparently so did the two convicted murderers who escaped for three glorious bug-bitten weeks (before they were both shot this weekend.)
David Sweat—who’s still alive—is apparently talking to cops from his hospital bed, and new details are trickling out.
According to CNN, the murderous pair did a practice run the night before their actual escape.
Agents with the state Inspector General’s office have been trying to figure out how the convicted murderers were able to leave their cells at night to escape, and had been looking into whether guards had fallen asleep, officials have told CNN.
The admission that the inmates actually practiced making their way to freedom was the first of perhaps many shocking details officials hope Sweat gives up so they can understand how security broke down.
In the meantime, 12 prison employees have been suspended and frankly, it sounds like a lot of cops should be too.