In a surprisingly relatable report, Page Six has the “exclusive” on what 74-year-old Ruth Madoff was doing while her husband’s Ponzi scheme was crashing to the ground: smoking a lot of weed.

“Ruth Madoff turned to pot, Funyuns and expensive wine to cope with Bernie,” the Post reports. And who among us can blame her? Ostensibly the people who lost their money, anyone with a pulse, intuitive house pets, etc. Still—Ruth can hang.

“Ruth had a network in place to deliver pot up to the apartment,” a source told Page Six of life inside the couple’s posh duplex penthouse at 133 E. 64th St. “If she didn’t have anything to smoke it in, she would order someone out to a bodega for rolling papers because she felt unsafe leaving the apartment herself.”

“After Ruth smoked up on their rooftop patio, she’d walk around munching on bags of Funyuns or other types of chips,” added the source.

Do I like Ruth Madoff?

“Both Ruth and Bernie were drinking thousands and thousands of dollars worth of wine from their cellar almost every night,” explained the source. “I think they figured it was better to drink it than let the government take it away.”

Oh god, I love Ruth Madoff (in theory.)

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