Riot cops tear-gassed and arrested dozen of bros near Keene State College in New Hampshire on Saturday night after the enormous drunken crowd at an annual pumpkin festival got out of control and turned violent.

According to NECN, at least 30 people—some of whom were probably named Kyle or Jared—were injured at an unruly party near campus, and about 12 people were arrested. Most of the injuries came from beer bottles being thrown. One bandaged attendee told WMUR that he got hit in the face with a Jack Daniel's bottle.

Unwilling to keep their love of pumpkins confined to the overcrowded backyard, Chet, Brett, Marko, Other Chet, Big T, and the rest of the boys took to the streets of Keene to spread the love. But their efforts were misunderstood, as one terrified mother told NHPR (via

“They started yelling directly at my daughter, and when they saw she was crying, they started to do it more,” [Stephanie] Konopka said. “They put their faces in the window and made these horrible faces and screamed these terrible things at her. And I was helpless, I couldn’t get to her. I was just trapped in the car. I couldn’t open the door, I couldn’t move the car. And then they started taking off their shirts and pushing themselves into the windows. At that point she was just beyond consoling.”

Later that night, around 9:30 p.m., the partiers returned to the scene of the festival, lighting bonfires in the middle of the street, ripping lampposts and signs out of the ground, and overturning at least two cars while drinking countless brewskis.

[Image via Instagram/Instagram]