Cops: Pizza Shop Robber's Toilet Paper Was a Dead Giveaway

When Uniontown, Pa., police arrived at the scene of a pizza shop robbery, their primary suspect denied he was at fault. Eric Frey said someone else forced him at gunpoint to write a stickup note on a piece of toilet paper—"I have a gun. Give me $300."—and hand it to the cashier at Michael Maria's Pizza.
He told the employee that someone had "a gun on me right now, and if I don't come out of here with the money, I'm going to get shot," according to court documents obtained by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
The cops thought his story of being threatened by a "large, bearded man" sounded suspicious. If Frey didn't write the note and conduct the robbery on his own, he should have no problem showing them the toilet paper in his apartment, right?
Frey agreed, saying he had nothing to hide.
Kind of weird that he wouldn't want to hide this:
In Frey's bathroom, police found a recently opened package of toilet paper on a table. One of the rolls had "writing engraved in it that matched the exact wording on the piece of toilet paper that Frey handed" to the pizza shop employee, [Lt. Tom] Kolencik said.
Police found a black pen next to the roll matching the color of ink used to write the threatening note, Kolencik said.
After the cops made this seemingly incriminating discovery, Frey tried a second gambit, telling officers that three men walking past his apartment at that very moment! were the ones who threatened him into the robbery attempt.
Officers spoke to the men and concluded they had nothing to do with it.
Frey was arrested on charges of attempted robbery and theft, plus drug charges for the "91 grams of marijuana, syringes and spoons containing burned drug residue" that he also didn't bother to hide in his apartment.
[h/t HuffPo, Photo: Uniontown PD via Pittsburgh Tribune-Review]