Remember Bianca Levin, Cory Booker’s Hollywood girlfriend? The Yale grad and entertainment lawyer, first tied to Booker by Page Six last month, turned up in an Open Public Records Act request filed by Gawker for the infamously private New Jersey senator’s correspondence. Neither Booker nor Levin have confirmed the relationship, so thus far we've only had the New York Post’s good word to go on. These records appear to confirm the fling.

According to one calendar entry, Booker (security detail in tow) personally picked up Levin from a midnight flight at Newark International on May 24—two weeks before she co-hosted a campaign fundraiser for Booker on June 10. Another entry indicates Booker made sure not to forget her 36th birthday in early September. He didn’t even tweet anything on her special day. Good for them both.

You can view the calendar entries below:

A spokesman for Booker said his office does not comment on the Senator’s personal life.

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