Now we know how Cory Booker kept his romantic life so secret for so long: By dating someone in a different time zone.

According to Page Six, the newly-elected New Jersey Senator has been seeing Bianca Levin, a 36-year-old Los Angeles entertainment lawyer and Yale Law grad, ever since Levin, who was born in New York City, helped host a June fund-raiser for Booker in West Hollywood.

Like Booker, Levin is well-connected: In 2006 she became a partner at the elite law firm Gang Tyre Ramer & Brown, which represents celebrities like Demi Moore, Clint Eastwood, and Steven Spielberg (who headlined a Booker fundraiser last April). She seems to enjoy the LA lifestyle, too. A friend of Levin’s photographed her soaking with another male companion last year:

Their transcontinental relationship appears to undercut Gawker boss Nick Denton’s theory that Booker danced around questions of his personal life, and his sexuality in particular, to conceal his preference for dating white women. Page Six’s report comes more than a month after BuzzFeed revealed that, while serving as mayor of Newark, Booker exchanged several awkward Twitter messages with a Portland stripper named Lynsie Lee. The Democrat also reportedly dated Arianna Huffington.

Within hours of Page Six’s report, Levin locked down her Twitter and Instagram accounts. Booker, meanwhile, issued the following (cryptic?) tweet:

Anyway: Mazel tov!

[Photo credit: Twitter, Getty Images]