Nelson and Joyce Coniglio have come out victorious in a harassment suit against Bank of America. They were awarded more than $1 million this week after the bank made 700 automated calls across four years.

In their suit, WTSP reports, the couple claimed that when they started falling behind on their mortgage payments in 2009, they started receiving calls with pre-recorded messages from Bank of America asking them to pay up.

Even after having lawyers send cease and desist letters, the bank continued calling, sometimes up to five times a day. In addition, the couple claimed they received "threatening collection letters asserting false and misleading information."

The Tampa couple was awarded triple damages, the judge ruled, because Bank of America continued to call even after they were asked to stop.

"This judgment against Bank of America is an epic win for consumers across the country," Billy Howard, the Coniglios' lawyer, actually told ABC News. "It's time to fight back against these 'robo-bullies'."

For their part, Bank America defended themselves by saying they were just doing their job, or something. From Bank of America Senior Vice President Dan Frahm's statement released to ABC News:

Bank of America has helped 2 million homeowners avoid foreclosure. Our calls to the Coniglios were not to collect a debt, but rather to help them avoid foreclosure after they fell behind on their mortgage payments in 2009. Because our calls were not answered and our efforts to help the Coniglios avoid foreclosure were urgent, these calls continued. We are committed to help homeowners in need of assistance avoid foreclosure.

Bank of America settled a class action lawsuit last September to the tune of $32 million for 7.7 million customers who complained of the same automated calls.

[Image via MoneyBlogNews/Flickr]