Evan, age 7, didn't think his plan to catch Santa on video would work—the North Pole is quite magically and technologically advanced, after all—but he convinced his big brother to set up a GoPro and went for it anyway.

And what to his wondering eyes should appear when he checked the camera in the morning? S-Dot Claus, teleporting into the living room and straight up noshing on some milk and cookies before he zaps some presents under the tree. It's a Christmas miracle!

Okay, it's a cool uncle. Dean Fisher explained how he worked all night to blow his nephew's mind on Christmas morning:

I went to the house dressed as The Jolly One and did the shoot, then stayed up until 4:00am editing and getting the finished video back onto the GoPro. The 2 hours of sleep was definitely worth it.

Not going to argue with him there.

[h/t Tastefully Offensive]