Dad Dies After Drinking 'Health Drink' That Turned Out to Be Liquid Meth

Romano Dias knew he was in trouble immediately after consuming a large quantity of what he believed to be a fruit-flavored health drink. He was right to worry: The liquid in his glass turned out to be pure crystal meth.
According to authorities in Cambridgeshire, the 55-year-old father from Huntingdon had been handed the glass by his daughter Katee, though it's unclear how he came to believe it was health food.
Shortly after imbibing the fluid, Dias began to feel a burning sensation in his throat and reportedly told his family, "I am in trouble here. I am dying, I am dead."
He was indeed pronounced dead a short time later.
Detectives investigating the case say a bottle containing some £34,000 ($54430) of meth was delivered to Katee Dias' London home some time ago addressed to a different person, and she took it in believing someone may be by to collect it.
Six months later she opened the package, and, for reasons that remain uncertain, the contents of the bottle were eventually served to her father.
Speaking at the inquest, Detective Inspector Ian Simmons said crystal meth was a drug rarely encountered on the street of Cambridgeshire, and he believes the bottle was "destined for a dealer" as "part of a plan to bring Class A drugs into the UK."
Dias's death was ultimately ruled an accident.