Fed up with his teenage daughter repeatedly stealing his favorite cookies, no matter where in the house he tried to hide them, a British dad concocted a plan for revenge. While searching her room for signs of his missing snacks, he found she had a special stash of her own—a bottle of foul, store-brand vodka. Only one thing to do, the vengeful dad wrote on Reddit:

Ha! I thought to myself.. Steal my cookies will ya? Right, two can play at that game. So I emptied the contents of the bottle into an empty bottle I had and replaced it with water and screwed the top back on tightly and slipped it back into her bag. I chuckled to myself at the thought of the disappointment that she and her friends would be experiencing in a few short hours.

But the disappointment he was hoping for never came. Perhaps, you may be thinking, the placebo effect rendered the bottle of water just as effective an intoxicant as the nearly-undrinkable alcohol it replaced? That would have been funny, but that trick works better on people who already a little drunk. What actually happened was even better:

That evening, I waited for her call but there was not a peep. The next day, when she came back, I asked her how her evening had gone. "Oh," she replied, "it was weird… we had some vodka but when we drank it, it was water!" Grinning to myself but giving her my very serious dad's face, I asked what they had done. "Well," she said, "we just took it back to Tescos and they replaced it with a new bottle for us!"

That's quality customer service.

It's worth pointing out that this could be just another unverifiable tall tale from Reddit's Today I Fucked Up forum. But if it is, at least the perp went through the trouble of posting this letter to his daughter from Tesco customer service, promising there would be an investigation into the faulty batch of Imperial vodka:

Even if the story's not true, the real victims of the prank here are the supermarket employees who now have to deal with a bunch of kids' attempts to trade bottles of water for free booze.

[h/t BroBible, Photo: Tesco]