In accordance with the final wishes of a dead Indiana woman, her 9-year-old German Shepherd was scheduled to be put to sleep today so the two could be cremated and buried together—a fate the dog has only temporarily avoided.

When Connie Lay of Aurora, Indiana died last month, her will outlined just few options for the care of her dog Bella, considered to be her property in the eyes of the law.

"(Lay) made provisions that in the event of her death, she wanted her very close friend to take charge of the dog," her attorney Doug Denmure told WCPO. "…She also then requested that the dog be put to sleep, cremated and that the dog's ashes be placed with her own ashes."

But after public outcry, Lay's estate is now pursuing a second, expensive but still legal option to send Bella to Best Friends Animal Society in Utah, a no-kill animal sanctuary.

Ultimately, however, the decision still lies with the executor of Lay's will.

"Outsiders don't have the grounds to rewrite the provisions of my client's will and impose what they want," said Denmure.

[Image via Shutterstock]