The death toll for a wave of storms and flooding hitting the central and southern U.S. is continuing to climb.

As of Sunday, a total of 11 people had died in the Dallas, Texas, area alone, and dozens more were injured. Another five people died in a separate storm in Illinois over the weekend, bringing the total death toll from the series of storms to 35, according to The New York Times.

Some of the damage inflicted was caused by an EF-4 tornado, the second-most powerful category, that brought with it 200-mph winds on Saturday night.

Earlier this week, the Weather Channel reported that more than 20 tornadoes touched down, with Mississippi experiencing the heaviest effects.

Meanwhile, other countries are being simultaneously being hit by severe storms and flooding. England, Wales and Scotland have all been hit by serious flooding, triggering the army to be called in for rescue efforts.

Another series of floods has displaced more than 150,000 people in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, walloping some 38 cities.

[Image via AP]

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