
New York Times: "Pizza Is Meh"

Sylvie Krekow · 01/27/14 09:36PM

Today, The New YorkTimes posted a defense of their inclusion of “pizza” on the “Meh List,” whichthey call “a much-beloved and much-maligned part of the One Page Magazine.” Upuntil now, I was unaware that the “Meh List” was “much-anything,” but now that theGrey Lady herself has dragged pizza into the mix, I must step in.

New York Times Doesn’t Know Who Bought Strange Pro-Bloomberg Ad

J.K. Trotter · 01/15/14 02:01PM

Late last year, print readers of The New York Times discovered a full-page color ad, signed by a group called “Appreciative New Yorkers,” touting former mayor Michael Bloomberg’s policy achievements. “Thank you, Mayor Bloomberg and your administration, for all that you have done for New York City,” it read in large lettering. Who are these thankful New Yorkers with a spare $70,000 to spend on praising a politician? Not even the Times knows.

A Shocking Number of Working People Live in Homeless Shelters

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/13 09:45AM

During the tenure of billionaire mayor Mike Bloomberg, the number of homeless people in New York City's shelter system has increased to more than 50,000, an all-time high. An astoundingly high percentage of those people have jobs.

For Some Reason, the New York Times Published a Story on Non-Married Spouses Who Call Each Other Things Like 'Fusband'

Jordan Sargent · 01/05/13 04:13PM

Sometimes the New York Times profiles people that are genuine monsters of upper-class naiveté and privilege — like, say, the parents that have their kids flown to summer camp on private jets or The Ivy Plus Society. But sometimes the NYT does stories on well-meaning people whose lives end up looking really inane in print, like the non-married spouses who fret about the ridiculous names and phrases they call each other.

How Dare You Pee on Las Vegas, With Facts?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/04/10 03:36PM

The Way We Live Now: debating. Gambling, you mean? That's a cheap shot. Your whole city is a cheap shot. At least we're not snooty elites. At least we're not degenerate craps hustlers. Is Vegas done? Yes. No. Wanna bet?

Lindsey Graham: 'I Ain't Gay'

Jim Newell · 07/01/10 02:35PM

The NYT Magazine is online with a hot new profile of Lindsey Graham, the Senate's most ubiquitous fifty-something lispy bachelor. And he finally addresses those gay rumors that have followed him throughout his career, saying "I ain't gay." Feisty much?

David Remnick Loves Porn-Obsessed Sex Comic

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/10 01:23PM

In your comment-free Monday media column: Tracy Morgan sits at the fancy table, rumors of a departure from Vogue, the WSJ targets NYT advertisers, everyone wants student newspapers to shut up, and black reporters are disappearing fast.

Labor Strife Abroad For NYT

Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/10 09:31AM

A tipster sends this dramatic action photo of International Herald Tribune staffers protesting against their penurious overlord NYT Co. for "laying off people and forcing them to go to Hong Kong or quit." Solidaridad! Full internal protest email below!

Kevin James and Vince Vaughn, United in Schlub

Adrian Chen · 02/23/10 03:42AM

Schlubby actors Kevin James and Vince Vaughn schlub it up in a movie. Jim Beluschi will schlub it up in a a TV drama. The UK Doesn't like Alice in Wonderland. Trade Roundup: Safety glasses required beyond this point.