The divorce between kitchen bad boy Bobby Flay and Law and Order good girl Stephanie March now includes a champion racehorse named “Dad’s Crazy” and a once-great love flattened under its hooves.

According to reports, Flay—who’s also accused of cheating on March with his assistant pretty much everywhere for at least the last three years—bought March the horse for their fourth wedding anniversary in 2009.

But March says Flay also gave himself a wedding anniversary gift for the next several years: $130,000 worth of race purses the horse went on to win. He later sold the horse for $60,000, which he also allegedly gifted to himself.

March is currently limited to a prenup giving her about $1,300,000 in cash and future alimony. And Flay doesn’t seem amenable to amendments—according to TMZ, his lawyers recently argued that he shouldn’t have to give March money for medical expenses because her injuries were caused by a recent boob job.

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