Did Leo DiCaprio Fuck 20 Girls In One Night at Art Basel?

Leonardio DiCaprio's Best Summer Ever never ended, apparently. The cargo-shorted, "newly single" actor has been living it up in Miami this past week for Art Basel, and on Saturday night, he reportedly took home 20 human women from the club.
An eyewitness tells The New York Daily News that at "popup version of 1 Oak at Rec Room in South Beach," Leo "left with 20 girls. Leo and 20 girls. He is my hero."
I wonder what they did when they all went home. Leo doesn't appear to own a house in Miami, so was it a bring-20-women-through-the-hotel-lobby situation? Or was he staying with friends? Were the women friends? It'd be interesting to know the logistics here. If you are one of the 20 women who left the club with Leo on Saturday, feel free to email me at allie@gawker.com.
The eyewitness did mention that the other men in the club couldn't handle the ladies with any sort of finesse, which is probably why they all went home with Leo. "The Jonas brother (Joe) looked scared," the source said, "like he was going to drown and suffocate in the women. His face was hilarious."
Leo's life is for only for Leo.
[Leo on a Miami balcony via Splash News]