Did Someone Confess a Murder on PostSecret?
Yesterday, PostSecret, a site that allows members to anonymously submit postcards bearing secrets, posted an apparent murder confession. Once again, the Internet's favorite private dicks (Reddit) took on the case.
These things, if you remember, never, ever go well.
Here's what the card said, "she dumped me, but really, I dumped her (body)." The Daily Dot reports that Post Secret, instead of reporting the card to the police, then Tweeted it out, and from there the investigation wound its way to Reddit. Reddit users soon figured out the location of the map (a driving range in Chicago), but Reddit moderators, trying to shut down these types of user-generated investigations, promptly deleted the post.
Frank Warren, the head of PostSecret, has yet to contact the police about the posted secret, which might (very probably) be bogus. Still — what's the right thing to do with a possible murder confession? Discreetly bring it to authorities so they can investigate, or unleash it to the crack, never-ever wrong detectives of the Internet?