Dog Eats Student's Homework, Requires Surgery

One Colorado eighth grader swears she wasn't lying when she said her dog ate her homework — and she has the X-rays to prove it.
Payton Moody, 13, of Englewood had just put the finishing touches on her science project: A mock volcano made of candy held together with pins.

"It was Mt. Haleakala in Maui," she told CBS Denver. To her dog Reggie, however, it was a free lunch.
"I woke up one morning and I came down to my desk and it was just all over the floor," she recalled. "I was very scared."
Things got even scarier when her worst fears were confirmed: Reggie had knocked the project off the desk and proceed to consume "every last bite," including as many a 50 pins.
He was immediately rushed to a local animal hospital, where vet Dr. Brian Van Vechten managed to extract all but five of the pins using an endoscope.
The remaining pins were surgically removed.
Reggie is doing much better now, and probably won't be eating strange volcanoes off the floor any time soon.
As for Payton, she redid her project, but with glue this time and far away from Reggie.
She got an A.
[top image via VRCC Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Hospital, screengrab via CBS Denver]