Liz Pendleton was casually browsing Craigslist last Saturday when she came across a dog adoption ad that terrified her.

"In the description it said they had no use for the dog and if no one came and got it they would shoot," Pendleton told Fox 2 News.

The dog's owner gave interested parties until the end of the day to respond, meaning Pendleton, who lived an hour and a half away, had no time to waste.

Driving nonstop from University City, Missouri to Morrisonville, Illinois, Pendleton arrived just in time, and was handed the dog no questions asked or answered.

Pendleton contacted the local police concerning the ad, but it's unclear if any charges will be filed.

Though the dog, whom Pendleton has named Buck, is safe for now, its new owner says she can't provide him with the permanent home he so desperately needs.

"He deserves love and much more than he has been getting," she told the Fox affiliate.

Dog lovers in the area interested in adopting Buck can reach Pendleton at lizzy314314[at]

[screengrab via Fox 2]