Donald Trump Fan Anthony Mackie Believes Trump "Worked His Way Up From Nothing"

As long as people believe that Donald Trump built himself up from nothing, does it really matter that he was in fact born rich?
Anthony Mackie is a famous actor. A famous actor who is currently appearing in a movie about political consulting. A famous actor who presumably has access to every news source in the world. And yet here is what Anthony Mackie told a BET interviewer:
“If you look at Trump, he’s an easy sell, because you can sell him as the guy who worked his way up from nothing. If you’re the pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps candidate, people would identify with that.” Asked if that constitutes a Trump endorsement, Mackie says “I’m on the bandwagon. I’m drinking the Kool-Aid.”
It would be ok if he was making fun of the American public here but I’m afraid he’s just making fun of himself (unintentionally).
[Photo of Anthony Mackie pulling himself up by his bootstraps: Getty]