Donald Trump Snubs Vaping Congressman

A long time ago / We used to be friends / But I haven’t thought of you / Lately at all
Back when few others would, vaping Congressman Duncan Hunter was ready to ride, perhaps even die, for Donald Trump. But now that senior Republicans are lining up to swear fealty, Hunter says he and other early endorsers have been given the gold shoulder.
Describing the proud vaper as “a top Trump ally,” Politico reports that Hunter “slammed” Trump on Thursday for refusing several requests to meet with congressional supporters during his visit to Capitol Hill.
“I think it would have been good of him” to meet with “the first endorsers,” Hunter said, as well as those who’ve gotten on board more recently, Hunter said. “There is no reason not to have as many people on your side as you can … and he missed a real opportunity here.”
“If they endorse him, then go back to their districts to say they’ve met him and he’s not crazy, it goes a long way,” said Hunter.
Of course, for many people, “crazy” describes much of Donald Trump’s appeal. Either way, it’s sad to watch such a promising bromance go up in vaporized e-juice.