The Vaping Congressman Reveals the Secret to Being an Effective Surrogate for Donald Trump
Brendan O'Connor · 05/19/16 09:35AMTrump Surrogate Says Wall Will Be Virtual
Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/19/16 07:27AMDonald Trump Snubs Vaping Congressman
Hudson Hongo · 05/12/16 06:45PMVaping Congressman Also Used Campaign Credit Card to Buy a Ton of Jack in the Box
Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/10/16 09:00AMWatchdog Group Calls for Ethics Investigation into Vaping Congressman's Campaign Spending
Brendan O'Connor · 04/28/16 03:45PM
Representative Duncan Hunter, the vaping Republican from California, has already gotten in trouble this election season for his re-election campaign’s reckless spending. Now, a watchdog group has called for his finances to be audited, after discovering that the congressman may have used campaign funds to pay for a family trip to Italy last Thanksgiving.
The Vaping Congressman Spent $1,302 of His Campaign Funds Last Year on Video Games
Brendan O'Connor · 04/05/16 07:05PMDonald Trump Nabs Key Endorsement From Vaping Congressman
Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/24/16 12:06PM"Yes I Vape," Congressman Boldly Proclaims
Andy Cush · 12/22/15 10:22AMHere Is How a Four-Star General Hammers a Petty Congressman
Adam Weinstein · 04/29/13 01:11PM
Duncan Hunter is a Republican California congressman. He's a congressman because his daddy was a congressman. Raymond Odierno is the highest-ranking general in the Army. He is an Army general because he's proven good at killing people. Sometimes those people are the enemy. Last Thursday, on CSPAN, Duncan Hunter became the enemy.