Bed bugs, used condoms, Ebola. New Yorkers now have one more reason to fear the subway: naked dudes. According to the New York Post, this naked dude was spotted earlier this week taking swigs from a bottle of Jack Daniel’s on the E train.

Peter Davis, who photographed the unidentified man living his best life, told the Post, “He was oblivious. He kind of looked at me when I took the picture, but he didn’t seem to care.” He also said that the naked guy didn’t smell bad or appear to be homeless.

What time might you expect to find a drunk naked man heading downtown? Friday night at 1 in the morning? Saturday night at 4 in the morning? Wrong. Davis spotted this guy on Thursday. At 8:30p.m.

Apparently, it was just another day on the subway for most riders. “There were a lot of blasé New Yorkers that looked — and then looked back at their iPhone as if he wasn’t even there,” Davis said.

As a wise poet once wrote about this sprawling metropolis:

Like any great love
It keeps you guessing
Like any real love
It's ever changing
Like any true love
It drives you crazy

[Photo via Peter Davis; The New York Post]