Joining the illustrious company of fellow murderers Robert Durst and Aaron Hernandez, Charleston shooter Dylann Roof has allegedly had a jailhouse letter put online, and it can now be yours for just $1,000.

The letter is up for sale on a website called True Crime Auction House, which is exactly what it says it is. It was purportedly written by Roof shortly after his capture, and in the letter, Roof remarks that he’s surprised the person who wrote him first was able to find him so quickly.

Photos of the letter are below, via Radar. It is mostly banal aside from one part in which Roof inquires about the purity of the letter writer’s last name, though Roof’s droll tone throughout is noteworthy considering he had just committed a massacre for which he will surely spend the rest of his life in prison. (A transcription follows these images):

Hello Andrew,

My health and spirit are doing fine. Your letter is dated 6/18 and to be honest its surprising you could write me a letter so quickly. Where in Burlington is Washington located? Is Burlington the second or third biggest city, or a smaller town? I don’t see how anyone could work 80 hours a week and not quit. To tell the truth, I don’t really have any hobbies, and I can appreciate any type of music as long as it sounds good. I also want to ask you the origin of your last name. Is Dodge an English surname? Or is it anglicized (?) name of a different origin? To be honest, I don’t think I need 30 dollars right now. I’d rather you send me a book. But it has to be sent from the publisher. If you think you could do this for me, just tell me in your reply, and then I can tell you the name of the book I want when I write you again. Either way, thanks for writing me, I appreciate your letter. It is nice to receive mail in jail. Most people probably would be too scared to send me a letter.

Thanks again,

Dylann Storm Roof

P.S. I had some money put in my account, if that was you, please ignore what I said about the book.

Is the letter real? It seems so, but a confirmation has been hard to come by. According to a spokesperson for the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office, officials are looking into the letter’s authenticity but were not sure of its origin. My inquiry there led to a series of transferred calls, each picked up by a person who had no idea what I was talking about.

Though the letter sent to Roof was written on the day of his capture, it’s unclear when it arrived at the jail, when Roof received it, or when he wrote back. Roof appears to have been contacted by an Andrew Dodge of Burlington, Washington—records show a person with that name and location does exist, but I was not able to contact him. It’s unclear if Dodge is the one attempting to sell the letter, or if it made its way into the hands of a third party.

The auction page hawking the letter shows an accompanying envelope said to be addressed by Roof. It includes his inmate number and postage from Charleston, which appears to be dated June 30, though an enterprising faker could certainly have mocked all of that up if motivated. Roof’s inmate number is available online, and forging an envelope would only require a printer.

If this is a fake, the hoaxer is deft. The website its being sold on is so under-the-radar that only a local news station and Radar have picked up on the letter’s existence, and it certainly doesn’t contain any explosive revelations or sentiments.

It’s more likely that we’re peering into Dylann Roof’s future: a life of being locked in a cage, conversing either with fellow white supremacist fanatics or people looking to profit off of his notoriety while he begs them for money.

[top image via Getty]

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