
Thomas Ravenel's Southern Gothic 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/20/16 11:35AM

The last time Thomas Ravenel ran for office, he’ll now admit to me, his message needed work. “I kept saying during the campaign, I’m good on policy, I’m good in business,” Ravenel said. “Not so great in my personal relationships, but hey, two out of three ain’t bad. But I think that I was wrong. You really have to have three out of three. You really have to have your personal life in order.”

Charleston Marriott: Don't Include Our Hotel in Same Photo as Massacre Church

Sam Biddle · 12/28/15 12:08PM

If you happen to be in Charleston, S.C. today, please make sure you do NOT take a picture that includes both the Marriott Courtyard Charleston Historic District hotel and the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in the same frame, because this is against the rules and you will be censured on Twitter.

This Isn't the First Time Citadel Cadets Have Dressed Up Like the Ku Klux Klan 

Allie Jones · 12/11/15 10:52AM

At least eight students at The Citadel military college in Charleston, South Carolina have been suspended after photos of them dressed in white hoods surfaced on Facebook Wednesday night. Though Citadel president Lt. Gen. John W. Rosa was quick to explain the incident as a group of students “singing Christmas carols as part of a ‘Ghosts of Christmas Past’ skit,” that excuse looks even flimsier when considered in the context of the school’s racist past.

Republican S.C. Rep Tearfully Begs Colleagues to Remove Confederate Flag

Taylor Berman · 07/09/15 09:43AM

Just after 1 a.m. this morning, the South Carolina House of Representatives voted to permanently remove the Confederate flag from the statehouse grounds. After hours of debate over adding amendments to the bill, which could have delayed the vote, Republican Rep. Jenny Horne delivered an emotional, tearful speech urging her colleagues to pass the bill without any changes.

I Used to Hate White People

Sadot White · 07/06/15 12:30PM

I used to hate white people. Not in a deranged John Muhammad way, but like an old black guy who remembers getting rocks thrown at him for trying to vote. More of a simmering resentment than a homicidal loathing.

PSA: You Can Still Buy These Confederate Flags From Amazon and Walmart

Alex Pareene · 06/24/15 02:45PM

In the wake of the murders of nine black churchgoers by a white supremacist with Confederate sympathies, multiple national retailers announced plans this week to stop selling Confederate flags and Confederate flag-branded apparel and paraphernalia. Walmart was the first to eliminate Confederate merchandise, with eBay, Amazon and even Etsy following suit. As of today, there’s scarcely a trace of the famous “rebel flag” on or But bargain-hunting chattel slavery enthusiasts need not abandon their laptops for flea markets just yet: You can still buy Confederate flags at both of those sites—just not the one most people think of as “the Confederate Flag.”

Taylor Berman · 06/18/15 11:07AM

Buzzfeed reports that Sharonda Coleman-Singleton was one of the nine people killed last night in the Charleston church shooting. Coleman-Singleton was a reverend, a track coach, and a mother of three.