In addition to two thousand words of contradictory—and, yet, all-too-familiar—racist extemporizing, the website, registered under Dylan Storm Roof’s name, also contains a series of photographs of the Charleston shooter.

In them, Roof is seen variously hoisting the Confederate flag, burning the American flag, and posing at sites of historical significance: the Museum and Library of Confederate History (above); a Confederate cemetery; and what appears to be a plantation.

Update, 2:25 p.m. – This appears to be McLeod Plantation, on James Island, outside Charleston. We have reached out to The Friends of McLeod, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the property, for comment, and will update if they respond.

Roof is also seen posing next to a sign on Sullivan’s Island, outside Charleston, a site of arrival in the United States for tens of thousands of Africans in bondage between 1700 and 1775.

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