Edward Snowden's attorney announced this morning that Russia had granted the government leaker three additional years of residency. Snowden's initial temporary asylum, which began when he became stranded in a Russian airport last year, expired August 1.

Anatoly Kucherena, Snowden's attorney, made clear he had not asked for permanent asylum, which would require a different application. From RT:

"On the first of August he received a three-year residence permit," lawyer Anatoly Kucherena told reporters.

He added that Snowden had not asked for political asylum.

"He will be able to travel freely within the country and go abroad. He'll be able to stay abroad for not longer than three months," Kucherena said.

Kucherena said Snowden is working in information technology, the Associated Press reports, but did not specify where. He added that Snowden's holding a job aided his case for additional residency time. According to Kucherena, Snowden has not decided whether to apply for permanent residency in Russia or attempt at some point to return to the U.S., and will hold a news conference in Russia "as soon as it will be possible."

[Image via AP]