
The Intercept Begins Releasing Snowden Files, Starting With the NSA's Quirky Crazy Cool Internal Newsletter

Brendan O'Connor · 05/17/16 09:35AM

Today, The Intercept began the process of making the archive of documents provided by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden available to the wider public, beginning with the first three months of SIDtoday, an internal, top secret agency newsletter that began publishing 11 days after the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The files are available for download here.

Chris Christie Thinks Your Government Spying Fears Are "Baloney"

Ashley Feinberg · 05/18/15 03:20PM

New Jersey Governor and snack gourmand Chris Christie stopped by the key primary state of New Hampshire today. At which point, Christie called for a major boost in military funding. But don’t fret over what this means for NSA snooping, because according to the bridge bandit himself, “All these fears are baloney.”

NSA Hacked North Korea Long Before Sony Cyberattack: Report

Aleksander Chan · 01/19/15 09:15AM

In the continued fallout of the Sony hack, a new report by the the New York Timesciting U.S. intelligence officials and documents previously leaked by Edward Snowden—puts the NSA inside North Korea's computer system as early as 2010. This previous hack, officials say, is how the United States apparently determined North Korea was responsible for the cyberattack on Sony.

A Terrified Nation Gets the NSA Debate It Deserves

Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/14 11:35AM

Edward Snowden, an enemy of America, released top secret information so powerful that it would destroy the government's ability to keep Americans safe. Information so powerful that, in fact... nothing has changed.

Edward Snowden Gets Three More Years of Residency in Russia

Andy Cush · 08/07/14 06:54AM

Edward Snowden's attorney announced this morning that Russia had granted the government leaker three additional years of residency. Snowden's initial temporary asylum, which began when he became stranded in a Russian airport last year, expired August 1.

Privacy Board Deems NSA Internet Spying Constitutional

Aleksander Chan · 07/02/14 06:58PM

The National Security Agency's collection of foreigners' internet communication (which often also includes Americans' correspondence) has been approved as "legal and effective in protecting national security" by an independent privacy board in a new report. The same panel condemned the NSA's collection of Americans' phone metadata earlier this year.

What Happened to Glenn Greenwald's Big Scoop?

Adam Weinstein · 07/01/14 02:00PM

Something big is brewing in NSA Revelation Land—a scoop from columnist and reporter Glenn Greenwald that was supposed to be published at midnight last night. But now Glenn Greenwald and fellow Intercept reporter Murtaza Hussein have delayed their story, pending new government information, and the internet is freaking out.