Adorable Hollywood couple Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield have discovered the best possible way to deal with the paparazzi that have become a constant presence in their lives: Use them to promote charitable organizations.

Garfield and Stone first held up signs promoting kids' cancer charities back in 2012, and it worked so well that they did it again in New York City yesterday morning.

"Good morning! We were eating and saw a group of guys with cameras outside. And so we thought, lets try this again. We dont need the attention, but these wonderful organizations do," Stone wrote, with an arrow pointing toward Garfield's card, which listed four charities.

"Here's to the stuff that matters!" he wrote.

In addition to Gilda's Club and Worldwide Orphans, the two organizations they promoted during their first stunt, the Amazing Spider-Man stars listed Youth Mentoring Connection and the very controversial autism science foundation Autism Speaks.

But whether or not you agree with the cute couple's choice of charities, you've got to appreciate that Stone and Garfield have figured out how to make the paparazzi work for them.

[H/T Teen Vogue, Photo: SplashNews]