
Remember When Sony Executives Told Us That Aloha Was Dogshit?

Jordan Sargent · 05/29/15 12:28PM

This weekend’s major film release is Cameron Crowe’s Hawaiian wet dream Aloha, starring Bradley Cooper, Rachel McAdams and Bill Murray, plus Caucasian, Arizona-born Emma Stone as a part-native Hawaiian named Allison Ng. Aloha currently has a very bad 14% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is not a surprise considering the film’s financiers openly lamented how painful and shitty the movie is.

"Popularity Is the Slutty Little Cousin of Prestige": Birdman

Rich Juzwiak · 10/17/14 09:07AM

"I don't know what I'm saying. My face is melting off. I didn't even answer anything, I just said a bunch of words," admitted Emma Stone on Monday night, sitting on a panel with three of her Birdman co-stars after a screening of their film, as part of the 92nd St. Y's Reel Pieces with Annette Insdorf series. Those words concluded more than a minute of rambling from Stone in response to an audience member's question about the interplay of craft, social media, and fame that Alejandro González Iñárritu's new movie about acting touches on.

Jimmy Fallon and Emma Stone Engage in Intense Lipsync Battle

Jay Hathaway · 04/29/14 08:23AM

Jimmy Fallon challenged Emma Stone to a lipsync-off on the Tonight Show Monday, and while Fallon had the home field advantage, the Amazing Spider-Man 2 actress delivered on style and degree of difficulty. And Ludacris.

Emma Stone Loses Her Shit Over Video Message from Spice Girls' Mel B

Dayna Evans · 03/22/14 02:30PM

Emma Stone, on a press junket for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, burst into spontaneous tears when her Australian interviewers shared a personalized message from Spice Girl "Scary Spice" Mel B. Come for the weeping, stay for the delightful rendition of "Wannabe".

Here Are This Year's Affleck-Snubbing, Lincoln-Lauding, MacFarlane-Dreading Oscar Nominations

Max Read · 01/10/13 09:14AM

Actress Emma Stone and Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane — this year's host — got up nice and early to tell some really atrocious jokes and announce this year's Oscar nominations. If you were smart enough to avoid this stupid ceremony, here's what's totally surprising: neither Zero Dark Thirty's Kathryn Bigelow nor Argo's Ben Affleck received Best Director nominations, even though both directors were considered locks and both movies are nominated for Best Picture.

The Amazing Spider-Man Is the Best Spider-Man Movie Yet

Rich Juzwiak · 07/03/12 02:45PM

I was once like you. I didn't think we needed another Spider-Man origin story, especially one that comes so soon after the perfectly serviceable last one. Sam Raimi's Spider-Man came out just 10 years ago and kicked off the trend of sensitive, thoughtful superhero fare that the film's parent company has undone with recent entries like the boneheaded Thor, the brain dead Captain America and the overrated but ultimately rewarding The Avengers. If we don't need another hero, we certainly don't need the same one twice.

The Amazing Spider-Man: Unitards Are Back In Town

Leah Beckmann · 02/07/12 03:55PM

Here's a trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man, the retelling of an origin myth, retold. The background on this one is a mouthful so try to keep up: Marc Webb directed the screenplay, which was written by James Vanderbilt, which is based on the Marvel Comic Book by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Also, it was once a play written, directed, and starring Bono.

As Promised, Mila Kunis Hits Up Marine Ball

Max Read · 11/20/11 12:12PM

Mila Kunis finally gets her Marine Ball. Prince Harry is still partying in Las Vegas (and going to Cirque Du Soleil). Tareq Salahi is suing Michaele Salahi and Neal Schon for inscrutable reasons. Sunday gossip looks like an alien.

Kate Winslet's Projectile Vomit Helped Her Family Bond

Maureen O'Connor · 09/02/11 10:29AM

Kate Winslet's kids love it when mommy upchucks. Taylor Swift thinks Jake Gyllenhaal is "vain." New mom Mel B "laughed so hard the baby popped out." Kellan Lutz has a roommate named Dick. TGIFriday gossip.

Watch Jim Carrey's Creepy Video Love Letter to Emma Stone

Matt Cherette · 08/24/11 11:21PM

For reasons unknown—and probably best left unexplained—Jim Carrey took to his new website today with a creepy video love letter to Emma Stone, who at 22 is less than half his age. Full of lines like "If I were a lot younger, I would marry you, and we would have chubby little freckle-faced kids," Carrey's full confession is above (for those who can get through it). [via Dlisted]

Emma Stone Abandoned Facebook After Becoming Addicted to FarmVille

Matt Cherette · 08/12/11 03:14AM

Emma Stone has had three movies come out in as many weeks, so naturally she's been on just about every talk show imaginable recently. You'd think she's run out of interesting anecdotes by now, but Stone's interview with Jimmy Fallon on tonight's Late Night was actually kind of adorable. Watch Stone discuss her paranoid fear of Twitter and the FarmVille addiction that forced her to delete her Facebook account in the clip above.

Watch David Letterman Make Emma Stone Squirm on the Late Show

Matt Cherette · 08/04/11 01:44AM

"It" girl of the moment Emma Stone stopped by the Late Show tonight to chat with David Letterman and promote her upcoming film, The Help. While we're sure Letterman had only the best of intentions, we couldn't help but feel creeped out by his fixation on Stone's voice, eyes and hair. And if the above video is any indication, she seemed a bit uncomfortable, as well. Easy, Dave!

Courtney Love Stole This Man's Car

Maureen O'Connor · 06/29/11 10:57AM

Courtney Love takes David LaChapelle's car and chauffeur for a midnight joyride. David Duchovny and Tea Leoni split up again. Kim Kardashian hands out wedding confidentiality agreements. And Emma Watson talks about her first crush. Wednesday gossip asks, where's my car?

Andrew Garfield Is Romancing the Stone

Maureen O'Connor · 06/24/11 10:30AM

Spiderman costars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone might be banging. Cory Monteith was a teen junkie. Heidi Klum gets naked. LiLo plans her first post-imprisonment par-tay. TGIFriday gossip.