Ernst & Young Now Shares a Name With a “Sexy Boys” Magazine

Last week, the London-based accounting firm Ernst & Young rebranded itself as EY in an attempt to "to strengthen and modernize" its image. Great idea! But, as the Los Angeles Times notes, there's one small problem with the new name: EY is also a limited-edition magazine featuring young male models in various levels of undress.
According to the LA Times, the magazine, called EY! Magateen, considers itself a more risque version of Tiger Beat and has put out seven issues since 2008. From the LA Times:
In 2009, Miley Cyrus' ex-boyfriend Justin Gaston was featured on EY! Magateen's cover wearing red briefs. The text on that issue's cover read: "Living the American teen! Loads of photos! Sexy boys!"
The magazine has also collaborated with the soft-core porn advertisers at American Apparel for a t-shirt with the logo, "Teenagers do it better."
As you can see above, the Google image search for EY turns up the old Ernst & Young logo surrounded by pictures of mostly naked young men. While this is probably not what Ernst & Young had in mind when it announced its big name change, it's certainly gives the company a more "modernized" image.
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