Ernst & Young Now Shares a Name With a “Sexy Boys” Magazine
Taylor Berman · 07/08/13 10:13PM
Last week, the London-based accounting firm Ernst & Young rebranded itself as EY in an attempt to "to strengthen and modernize" its image. Great idea! But, as the Los Angeles Times notes, there's one small problem with the new name: EY is also a limited-edition magazine featuring young male models in various levels of undress.
California's New Budget Already Outdated
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Jeff Neumann · 06/14/10 05:45AMWii child, all you'll get for Xmas is a slip of paper
Mary Jane Irwin · 12/17/07 02:41PM
Little Jimmy's at the tree extracting an oblong box from the stash. Ripping off the paper, his jaw drops in astonishment. It's no Wii; it's a raincheck. His parents didn't quite purchase a Nintendo Wii, you see. Little Jimmy can't exchange the slip of paper until the red-hot videogame consoles are in stock again, supposedly sometime in January. Yes, even a full year after launch, retailers can't keep Wiis on shelves. Analysts estimate Nintendo has lost $1 billion in sales this holiday because of the shortage. So while Nintendo USA topper Reggie Fils-Aimé says the raincheck program is a way for parents to put a Wii under the tree, we doubt Little Jimmy will be fooled. Wall Street analysts, on the other hands, may well be.