Everything Amanda Knox Has Been Called in UK And US Tabloids

Amanda Knox, the American student convicted of murdering her roommate while studying in Italy, is back on television. Amanda Knox, who was exonerated of the charges, has an anticipated tell-all memoir coming out. Amanda Knox, tabloid obsession, is being tried again for murder in Italy. Amanda Knox has a lot of nick-names:
- Amanda the Ripper
- An alt Holly Golightly from Seattle
- Bambi-eyed killer
- Black-widow beauty
- Concertante of sex
- Demonic, satanic, diabolical she-devil
- A double soul
- An enchanting witch
- Evil temptress
- A fantastic actress
- Femme fatale
- Foxy Knoxy
- Heartless killer with the face of an angel and ice-cold eyes
- Heartless manipulator
- Innocent abroad or a calculating killer?
- Italy's women of the year
- Jessica Rabbit ("not bad, just drawn that way")
- Luciferina
- Luciferina with the face of an angel
- More like Amelie than Jack the Ripper
- A murderer on Lifetime
- Naive kid from Seattle
- Rose West-shaped with the harsh staring eyes of a Myra Hindley and a bit of Lady Macbeth thrown in
- Sex-and-drug-crazed she-devil
- Sex-mad American party girl
- Sex-mad flatmate
- She-devil with an angel face
- A sort of tomboy retro hippy
- Spell-casting witch
- Sphinx of Perugia
- Venus in Furs
- Virtuoso of deceit
- Vivacious, sexually adventurous, guitar-playing student
- Witch of deception
There it was—the international media and the Italian justice system at their most imaginative, superstitious, possibly misogynistic, orgy-loving, sensationalistic best. Amanda Knox tells her version of events in an exclusive interview with Diane Sawyer and in her book Waiting to Be Heard, both out tomorrow.
[image via AP]