Thatz Not Okay: Biztch, Please; Recipes of the Dead
Caity Weaver · 08/23/13 02:23PMEverything Amanda Knox Has Been Called in UK And US Tabloids
Maggie Lange · 04/30/13 10:30AM
Amanda Knox, the American student convicted of murdering her roommate while studying in Italy, is back on television. Amanda Knox, who was exonerated of the charges, has an anticipated tell-all memoir coming out. Amanda Knox, tabloid obsession, is being tried again for murder in Italy. Amanda Knox has a lot of nick-names:
Paul Ryan's Wife Is Trying to Out-Cute Sasha Obama with Her Secret Service Name
Caity Weaver · 09/04/12 03:20PMA List of Things Zooey Deschanel Has Been Called on This Website
Max Read · 02/10/12 11:57AM
Overemphatic stage wink
Melted-bead craft project
Lisa Frank needlepoint
Sentient glitter cloud
Over-iced Funfetti cupcake
Living Pinterest board
Probable Yelp reviewer
Novelty ukulele tune
Possessed Anthropologie mannequin
Animated Hipstamatic photograph
Crocheted Etsy woman
Living dog sweater
Bambi's rabbit friend
Hipster labradoodle
Satchel of fairy dust
DC Area Chooses Appropriate Nickname
Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/10 10:35AMMaria Bartiromo Is Not 'Money Honey' Anymore
Maureen O'Connor · 03/28/10 10:08AMLadies: What Do You Call Your Van Hooten?
Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/10 10:07AMSnowmageddon vs. Snowpocalypse: Which Cute Nickname Will Win?
Maureen O'Connor · 02/08/10 04:28AMNicknames of the Literary Elite, Part Two
Doree Shafrir · 02/04/10 02:45PMSheryl Weinstein Does the Winky Dink
Hamilton Nolan · 08/25/09 10:25AMHey, Economic Pundits, Find a New Nickname
Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/08 11:39AM
Pictured is NYU economist and Facebook stalker Nouriel Roubini, a.k.a. Dr. Doom. There's a highlight clip going around the internet (it's after the jump) of an investment guru named Peter Schiff predicting our current economic crisis on various TV shows over the past couple of years, and being roundly mocked by the hosts and the other guests for doing so. Now they all look dumb (that's you, Ben Stein) and he looks great. So what's the media's nickname for Schiff? "Dr. Doom." Uh, yea, that one sounds familiar. Just how many freaking economists nicknamed "Dr. Doom" are there these days?
Doree Shafrir · 08/16/07 02:47PM

We thought "PEKEEP" might be some mysterious new free jazz expert that the Times was employing to write about the death of Max Roach, but it seems to just be some placeholder thing they forgot to take off. Anyway, we'll be referring to actual regular jazz expert Peter Keepnews as "PEKEEP" from now on. Oh: And now he's dead, by the way. Drum on.