John Potter, a decorated World War II vet, just wants to keep living in the house he built himself over half a century ago. But if his daughter Janice Cottrill gets her way, the 91-year-old will be evicted from his Zaleski, Ohio home next month.

It all started in 2004, when Potter fell ill and he and his wife, since deceased, gave Cottrill power of attorney over their affairs, as well as over Joe, Potter's 63-year-old autistic son who had been living at home since birth.

Four years later, Cottrill and her husband Dean assumed full custody of Joe, and an argument with Potter over visitation rights ensued.

In 2010, in a bid to end the legal challenges brought against them by Potter, the Cottrills used their power of attorney to transfer the deed to Potter's house to themselves.

Learning of this, Potter transferred the power of attorney to Cottrill's daughter, Jaclyn Fraley (above, left), and sued Cottrill for fraud.

Though a Vinton County Court ruled in Potter's favor, an appeals court overturned the decision, saying the four-year statute of limitations on fraud had expired.

Buoyed by victory, the Cottrills then proceeded to up the ante — ordering Potter out of the house.

Janice has refused to comment on the story, but Dean did tell WCMH the couple was willing to let Potter stay in his home if he stopped trying to take them to court over Joe.

Fraley, meanwhile, is attempting to keep Potter put by raising funds online in the hopes of buying the house from her mom and stepdad.

Through, Fraley has successfully raised over $40,000, but is still well short of her $125,000 goal.

Though she hasn't spoken to her mom in two years, Fraley is still willing to defend her actions.

"People have commented that my mother is 'evil', but I always say she's a human too," the 35-year-old told ABC News. "Do I think she deserves the money? No, but my grandfather deserves to stay in his home as long as he possibly can. If he wants to leave, it should be his decision."

The eviction hearing has been set for June 12th — almost exactly three weeks after Potter turns 92.

[photo via Facebook]