The ex-wife of the Florida cop fired for his alleged KKK ties said neither she nor her ex-husband really belonged to the Klan. According to her, the couple joined as part of an undercover operation in 2008 to out another cop in the KKK. The police chief at the time flatly denies this.

Ann Hunnewell, whose ex-husband George was fired last week, told investigators she and George allowed themselves to be recruited by former officer and KKK recruiter James Elkins in 2008. (Ann was a police department secretary until 2010.) ABC News has the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's report:

Ann Hunnewell said in 2008 through 2009, she and her ex-husband successfully infiltrated the [United Northern and Southern Knights] chapter of the KKK in an undercover capacity ...

She claimed [former Police Chief James] Isom "received allegations" about an officer in the department, James Elkins, was involved in the supremacist group and she said Isom "assigned George and Ann Hunnewell to follow up with the matter." ...

"Ann Hunnewell stated her ex-husband did not share the KKK ideology, but agreed to join in the spirit of the undercover investigation," the report states.

Elkins did quit in 2009 after photos of him in Klan regalia surfaced, but Isom denies he ever ordered the Hunnewells to track him.

Deputy Chief David Borst also quit last week after the FBI discovered evidence of his KKK ties. Ann Hunnewell didn't indicate if he was a part of the supposed undercover operation.

[Image via WPTV]