"Maybe you think that you can hide/I can smell your scent from miles," singing competition badboy Adam Levine once said, but last night the hunter became the hunted.

The wild-eyed fan somehow eluded security at Levine's Anaheim show, got onstage and managed to stay there, apparently until a security guy decided he felt like intervening.

The encounter was also apparently as painful as it looked—Levine said the fan injured his beautiful head in her attempt to physically force him to love her.

"It's just weird to be, like, in the moment, ya know? And you're singing, and your eyes are closed, and you have this beautiful moment. And then the next thing you know someone's f—king in your face," Levine said to the crowd after the incident. "It's super terrifying."

"That was weird right?" he added. "She like cut my ear."

Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals.

Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.