Federal Agency Says Approving Powdered Alcohol Was Just an Error

Powdered alcohol—a.k.a. "Palcohol"—due to be unleashed upon an unprepared, very drunk world this fall, may turn out to be a fading dream. The federal agency that approved the product now says that approval was an error.
The U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, a division of the U.S. Treasury, seemingly issued approvals for 7 different kinds of Palcohol last week, but those approvals were for labels, not for the product itself.
Even that level of endorsement was a mistake, the TTB is now saying. Palcohol has surrendered all 7 approvals back to the agency.
"We have been in touch with the TTB and there seemed to be a discrepancy on our fill level, how much powder is in the bag. There was a mutual agreement for us to surrender the labels," Palcohol's website now reports.
"This doesn't mean that Palcohol isn't approved. It just means that these labels aren't approved. We will re-submit labels. We don't have an expected approval date as label approval can vary widely."
That's a shame. Alcohol that you can snort or sprinkle on your food seemed like such a smart and safe idea.