In the federal criminal complaint filed against Ammon Bundy and his crew, charging them with conspiracy to impede a federal officer by force, intimidation, or threats, anti-Muslim vlogger Jon Ritzheimer is accused of harassing an unnamed woman for wearing a Bureau of Land Management t-shirt.

In December, the complaint alleges, Ritzheimer and another man confronted the woman at the Safeway grocery store in Burns, Oregon. The woman was wearing a Bureau of Land Management shirt. The man with Ritzheimer said that they knew what car she drove, and would follow her home, she told police. He also said they would burn her house down.

Since then, the woman has seen a truck similar to the one that Ritzheimer and his companion were driving that day—a black-pick up truck with a black canopy and no visible license plate—outside her house. She said she’s also been aggressively tailgated by a white truck with a pink license plate and a Confederate flag sticker on the back window.

Ritzheimer surrendered himself into police custody in Arizona last night.

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