According to an incident report released by Ferguson, Mo. police today, Michael Brown was suspected in a convenience store robbery that police say precipitated his shooting by officer Darren Wilson. The report alleges that Brown (accompanied by Dorian Johnson) stole a box of cigarettes and got into a brief altercation with the store's clerk before leaving.

The report, citing security footage, states Brown "aggressively" grabbed the store clerk attempting to lock the store's doors to prevent Brown from leaving with the stolen cigarettes and pushed him into a display. After Johnson leaves the store, Brown also turns to leave, but pauses just before reaching the door. He apparently turned around and approached the clerk again, "towers over" him, "appearing to intimidate."

This incident report appears to dispute part of Dorian Johnson's account, in which he claimed to have met up with Brown after he left the convenience store and made no mention of the alleged robbery.

The only incident report released to press today was of the alleged robbery, and not the confrontation between Brown and Wilson. From the report: "It is worth mentioning that this incident is related to another that incident Brown was fatally wounded involving an officer of this department."

Photos included in the incident report purport to show Brown pushing and intimidating the store clerk:

[Image via KTLA]