A military spokesperson says an F16 fighter jet collided midair with a small Cessna Tuesday morning, exploding into a large fireball over Charleston, South Carolina.

According to the LA Times, the Cessna C-150 plane and the F-16 fighter plane were about 11 miles north of Charleston when they crashed. A cast member from Bravo’s Southern Charm says the plane landed in a rice field near her home.

The pilot was able to eject himself before the collision, NBC reports. Authorities are currently setting up a command center nearby.

It’s the second F16 crash to result in an explosion this month.

Update 4:45 p.m.

According to the AP, two people flying in the Cessna were killed in the crash, which sent jet parts “raining down” over rice fields and marshes outside of Charleston. The jet pilot successfully ejected and was reportedly uninjured.

Image via NBC. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.