In 2016, New Zealanders will get to vote on a new flag, one that Prime Minister John Key hopes will “better reflect our status as a modern, independent nation.” In an effort to appear egalitarian, Key has opened the artistic direction of the new flag up to the people, and the people, wow, they have not disappointed.

On the New Zealand government’s official website, a gallery of 850+ flag designs for the forthcoming decision have been posted by the citizens of New Zealand. And if it tells us anything, it is that the world’s artists, innovators, and most creative minds are living in—who woulda thought???—New Zealand. Here are a few of the best with their original titles, though if I had my vote, I’d go with “Happy Kiwi” by Davy Lee from Auckland, pictured in its elegant beauty above.

Pacific Fern by Hosmich (variant of Kyle Lockwood)

This one is good because it is upside down.

Southern Kiwi by Aku A. from Waikato

I like his eyes!

Ellipses by Sarah from Auckland

Much like an ellipses, the long legacy of New Zealand will continue without end . . .

Clean Green Kiwiana by Toko Ma from Taranaki

You got it.

Wooly or Won’t He by Michael Tuffin from Manawatu-Wanganui

That sheep has stars in his eyes.

Sheep and Hokey Pokey by Jesse Gibbs from Canterbury


Fire the Lazar! by James Gray from Auckland

This is that good shit!

Images via New Zealand Government. Contact the author at