Doug Adams, a passenger on a Virgin Atlantic flight from Logan Airport to LAX, reportedly caused the plane to be diverted to Omaha after he was allegedly caught masturbating on board Monday. Unlike recent incidents involving public masturbation, this seems slightly more reasonable—it's a long goddamn flight. People get horny over the course of six hours.

At one point, Adams apparently attempted to exit the plane mid-flight. According to KETV, Adams was experiencing "psychopathic episodes" during the flight and was forced to be subdued by an off-duty police officer. CBS Los Angeles spoke to filmmakers Sam Slater and Paul Bernon, who were seated in front of Adams and provided a detailed account of the incident:

"'He asked if he could use the restroom, he had been mumbling about not trying to be violent, and how I don't want to be a violent person. And we're sitting in the front row, and we're both a little concerned and watching what's happening,' Slater said.

'When he came out of the bathroom, he sat back down, he was arguing with the woman next to him, said he didn't want to sit next to her,' Bernon said. 'He got back up, told the attendant he wanted her to move, and at that point they paged to see if there was a doctor on board.'

'He at that point was fidgeting and began to remove the plastic covering from the emergency exit door, and tried to pull to open the door,' Slater said."

Adams, 26, was escorted to a hospital in Nebraska for observation.

[Image via AP]