Monsoon season in Nepal has led to three days of incessant rain, causing floods, destruction, and death, according to the AFP. At least 85 people have died from landslides and flooding in Nepal during this monsoon season.

According to national disaster management chief Yadav Prasad Koirala, the concern of a possible cholera outbreak is high "due to the bodies laying underwater." He also stated that they "have mobilized health workers to set up camps and provide people with clean drinking water and dry food."

Koirala also noted that the missing outnumber the dead. He says:

"We have recovered 85 bodies so far, 54 people have suffered injuries due to landslides and flooding over the last three days and 113 are still missing."

People in the Surkhet area are among the hardest hit, awakening Friday morning to reports of a nearby river flooding fast. More, from the AFP:

"My neighbours woke me up, I gathered my family and we just ran uphill to save ourselves...I didn't even have time to cut my cattle loose so they could flee", farmer Prem Bahadur Pun said by phone.

"By morning, our house was gone, the cattle was gone, my land was gone. I have lost everything," Pun said.

Washed out roads are making rescue efforts difficult, with most of the supplies and evacuation efforts being led by helicopter. Monsoon season lasts from June through September, and hundreds of people are killed or injured every year.

[image via Reuters]