Florida Pastor Arrested While Towing 2998 Kerosene-Soaked Qurans

A Florida pastor was arrested today, thus halting his Facebooked-plans to burn 2998 Qurans in a Mulberry park to “protest” the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Pastor Terry Jones, 61, and his associate Pastor Marvin Sapp Jr., 44, were just minding their own business driving a pickup truck towing a large grill filled with thousands of kerosene-soaked Qurans when they were pulled over and stopped.
Jones was charged with unlawful open-carry of a firearm, Sapp was charged with having no valid registration for the trailer, and both were charged with the unlawful conveyance of fuel. This is the same Pastor Jones who was responsible for the promotion of Innocence of Muslims, the film that allegedly sparked deadly riots in Egypt and Libya, as well as a 2011 Quran burning that sparked deadly riots in Afghanistan.
Terry Jones is arrested on his way to burn 3,000 kerosene-soaked Qurans in Mulberry. http://t.co/gfoap7ytjw pic.twitter.com/VKBfFH06cx
— The Ledger (@theledger) September 11, 2013
Stephanie Sapp, Pastor Sapp’s wife, said that arresting the two men en route to the burning is "a very dangerous sign to us as Americans, as citizens, and to the First Amendment."