A professor who has been teaching conspiracy theories for 13 years and spreading false theories about the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting is finally facing termination at Florida Atlantic University.

According to The New York Times, James Tracy, a professor in the school of communication and media studies who teaches a course on conspiracies, has been accused of harassment by the parents of a 6-year-old boy who was killed in the shooting.

A statement released by the university said that action was taken “in light of “numerous requests from media outlets and the public”:

Today, James Tracy, an associate professor in the School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, was served a Notice of Proposed Discipline — Termination by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at Florida Atlantic University.

Tracy has ten days to respond to the university’s request.

The termination comes after the boy’s parents, Lenny and Veronique Pozner, published an op-ed in The Sun Sentinel, the local newspaper of Broward County, Florida. In the article, the couple said that Tracy led a group of people in “a wave of harassment, intimidation and criminal activity against our family and others” in an effort to promote a conspiracy theory about the shooting.

“They seek us out and accuse us of being government agents who are faking our grief and lying about our loss.”

It should come as no surprise, however, that Tracy is a Sandy Hook “truther”—the course he teaches at the university is called “Culture of Conspiracy,” and presents conspiracy theories about major attacks and assassinations in U.S. history, including the September 11, 2001 attacks.

In a Facebook post titled “No One Died at Sandy Hook” on the group Sandy Hook Hoax, Tracy allegedly wrote of the attacks that killed 20 children and six adults:

Don’t take my word for it. Just do a search on the title for a free copy of the book. The Pozners, alas, are as phony as the drill itself, and profiting handsomely from the fake death of their son.

Tracy insists that the shooting, along with others, are staged in an attempt to promote more secure gun control measures.

And if that isn’t bad enough and you haven’t had your fill of hate-reading Tracy’s theories, take a look at his explanation—one that has been widely, irrevocably, and forcefully debunked—of why the Sandy Hook shootings didn’t happen.

Contact the author at melissa.cronin@gawker.com.