Update: After a very well-written critique, the headline has been updated to reflect the stadium is in Pontiac, not Detroit.

The Silverdome, a vacant stadium that used to be home to the Detroit Lions and the occasional big event, has been closed to the public since 2012. Detroiturbex, a site aimed at documenting the history of Detroit, recorded this footage of the Michigan stadium in the rain. It's alarming to see its disrepair.

The site has also captured a lot of other shots of Detroit in different states of collapse, including a photo series of abandoned buildings, including schools and churches.

Last year, the New York Times published an interesting op-ed posing what really ails Detroit, suggesting that the economic downturn of the city is not necessarily a direct result of the recession or outsourced labor.

The reason so many manufacturing-sector workers in the United States received such high pay at that time was not that they had exceptional skills or had received superior training; it was that the corporations for which they worked were unsurpassed in their dominance and generated huge revenues.

But that dominance was, to a considerable degree, a momentary quirk of history: the absence, in the wake of World War II, of any real competition from other nations. Once foreign competition was re-established, in Europe and Asia, only the superior skills of a nation's workers and a focus on long-term workers' training would allow a country to stay ahead.

The contents of the Silverdome are now being auctioned off, including a zamboni and soap and towel dispensers.